
Posts Tagged ‘agrophobia’

English: An anxious person

Image via Wikipedia

Everyone has suffered from anxiety at some point in their lives – that feeling before you have a job interview, the lurch in the stomach when you remember that you have forgotten something important, or the constant playing over in the mind of an argument or conversation that didn’t go well.  But what if that anxiety tips from understandable and logical to unreasonable and illogical? When you find yourself worrying about things that the likelihood of happening are one in a million; or that sick feeling in your stomach doesn’t go away and you find you can’t concentrate on anything else (something awful must be wrong with you); or you have moments where you literally feel like you are going to die or go mad.  What happens then?  You will most probably begin to try to work out what you can do to stop these feelings.  Unfortunately this often means limiting your life – it may start with avoiding only one thing, which works for a bit but then the anxiety comes back in a different situation or place so you avoid that too.  You may also check for symptoms of illness or madness or do things that you think will stop the thing you fear happening (even though you feel may not know what might happen or why these things will stop it).   What happens then?

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